Student leadership development is the process of involving students in meaningful ways both in and beyond the classroom. It provides opportunities for students to demonstrate their talents, skills, and interests while continuing to develop new skills. It also gives students more ownership of the programs they attend. At SYVCA, we encourage our students' leadership by example, by serving others, as well as student-run intentional programs like all-school P.E., chapels and worship teams, peer tutors and student aides for teachers.

The Student Council (grades 5th-8th) helps and supports important school events throughout the year. They organize and run the Eagle's Nest, our student store, are greeters for Grandparents Day and the Thanksgiving Feast, announcers and servers for the annual Talent Show/Spaghetti Dinner, hosts for the school Open House and volunteers for various community outreach opportunities. Elected officers are as follows: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Student Chaplin, Sergeants at Arms, Historians, Student Store Managers, and Representatives for grades 5th-8th.